Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Tomorrow will mark my second week being in Barcelona and this weekend I am going to Amsterdam with my friends. The start to my traveling Europe! 

This past week I went to a lot of new places around Barca. Last Thursday night I went to a local Japanese restaurant right by my apartment that ended up being really good. Then after that I went to this local bar off of Las Ramblas called L'Ovella Negro (Black Sheep). It had such a fun and local atmosphere and the drinks were so cheap. You could get a tower of beer or sangria and split it with like 5 people. Since I only went with four people we only got a pitcher of Sangria, but it was so good and sweet, I can't wait to go back.

The following day we went to El Born, which is next to the Gothic District. It was really cool and reminded me a lot of the streets in Italy. We walked around and got Gelato, which was amazing and then went to this Cathedral (seen above) and went to the train station which was close by. That night I went to a bar called Dow Jones, which was so much fun! The price of drinks are based on the New York Stock exchange, so if people are buying one drink a lot other drink prices will be low and when the stock market crashes all the drink prices are at there lowest and everyone rushes to the bar to order drinks. 
This past weekend I also went to the Sagrada Familia with my friends and it was even more amazing inside then it was just from looking at it. The inside had beautiful stained glass windows and wavy walls and spiral staircases. The ceiling looked like some kind of spider web and you could not help but always look up! We got to climb to the top of one of the pillars and see sweeping views of Barcelona. We had to climb a spiral staircase all the way down from the top and it was insane. At the end I was so dizzy.

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