Monday, February 4, 2013


For my first trip out of Barcelona I went to Amsterdam, which was amazingly beautiful, but also freezing cold. It truly made me appreciate the Barcelona weather! I got there a day earlier than the rest of my friends and got to explore the city and get to know how to get around rather quickly. 

The first day I went to Rembrandt Huis and had the most amazing sandwich across the street at a Cafe called Cafe Tisfris. It was a bri, walnut, spinach, and chicken sandwich and when I say it was one of the best sandwiches I have ever eaten I mean it! In love with it. My favorite part of the Rembrandt Huis was the beds, which were in cupboards and the tiny spiral staircase, which was similar to the one in the Anne Frank Huis. 
That first day we basically walked everywhere, passing the Royal Palace in Dam Square and walking through the Jordaan. We ended up that night by Leiden Square and ended up eating at a local restaurant. I had mustard soup, which is literally what it sounds like, but tastes really good! 

 The following day I met up with my friends and we went to the Anne Frank Huis, which was so interesting. I was surprised and amazing at how big the secret house actually was and the fact that the Frank's and other families were able to stay in hiding for 2 years. It is also amazing that only one person out of all of them survived. Afterwards we went to the I AM AMSTERDAM sign, but it was so so cold we could not stay for long. We went back to the Hostel, which was really nice, but far and had Guhlwein, which is Port Wine and was delicious. 
 That saturday we woke up and went to Bagel & Beans and then went on a canal tour, which I think was really cool, but don't think the others enjoyed it as much. It was snowing and freezing that on some canals people were ice skating! After we walked to the Heineken Experience, which was so much fun and I took two glasses from it. We ended up going to Leiden Square for dinner and then to the Red Light district after and I saw some Prostitutes in the windows. It was so strange and weird to think that people actually go to these women. 

The next morning we went to Van Gogh Museum, which was interesting and I liked that I got to see all of his self portraits because each was done differently with him wearing a different type of hat or outfit. 

It was a great, but cold start to my travels! 

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