Monday, January 21, 2013


The first week in Barcelona was a complete blur. I seriously can't believe I have been here for that long. I met some pretty nice people and got to explore the city. I went to a club called Opium, which was really expensive, but still lots of fun. I learned from that experience to never buy a drink when I am out because at most places drinks are very expensive. I also went on a city tour of Barcelona where I got to see the Sagrada Familia for the first time and went to Mountjuic and got to explore a little around there. 

 I went to the aquarium with my friends this week, but there were no dolphins, guess they have none in the Mediterranean. The area the aquarium is in is a really pretty and nice area, there is a mall, Imax theater and the aquarium. We also got to see the Face of Barcelona and the statue of Chris Columbus, which is pointing in the wrong direction. After the aquarium we went to the beach area by the clubs, which was so beautiful, but had sketchy Indian men trying to sell beer and drugs to us. 
I also had class for the first time this week and so far so good! I had photography, which seems like it will be really fun, but I don't like my class. I also had Lit, History, and Global Comm. My history teacher is cute and my roommate and I call him the Spanish George Clooney! My Lit class seemed interesting, but I feel it will be boring and my global Comm class seems all right.
Oh and another club I went to called Otto Kutz is where Loco Lunes is held every Monday and is huge. I had a lot of fun there and met some more people that seemed nice. The clubs are crazy, but the ones we go to are mostly filled with only American people. 

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