Wednesday, February 6, 2013


This past weekend I had the best trip and went to go visit my best friend, Corinne in Galway and made a few other trips while over there. I was picked up at the airport by my cousin Dervla and from there we went to eat at a restaurant called Farmer Browns, which was so cute and the food was amazing. I had a chicken breast and the chicken was so delicious, I loved it! Afterwards Dervla took me to a bar for a comedy show, but it ended up being a Jazz show, which we seemed to be the only ones who thought the band was not that amazing! Derv is going to Australia for a year or so, so it was nice getting to spend some time with her!

The following day I took a bus from Dublin to Galway. I read, slept a little and stared at the beautiful green hills and valleys. It was just so beautiful I love the random rock walls and old buildings everywhere, it is amazing. When I got to Galway Corinne found me waiting at the bus stop and then we immediately went to eat at a placed called The Cellar. It was delicious like all Irish food that I love. After she took me around Galway and around her campus, which was beautiful of course!
We then went to Thomas Dillon, which is the original store claddagh jewelry, and I got my ring shined for free. I love talking to the people their and just to all people in Ireland they are so fun and just so nice.

That night we met up with my daddy. I was so so so happy to see him, it was just icying on top of my weekend haha! He took me and Corinne out to dinner, which was so good of course and I had dessert! After we went for a drink and then ran back to Corz for an ABC party, where I actually wore clothes, two scarfs together if that counts. It was a lot of fun and her friends were fun as well. Afterwards we went to a club called Karma and I literally thought we were in the Jersey Shore it was so funny and ironic. We danced and drank and just had fun!

The following day my dad and I went up to Ballina to see my cousin Olivia's pharmacy, which was so cute! It was unlike other pharmacy's and more open and unique! I loved it! After we met up with my cousin Conal and Jim for lunch and then headed back to Galway. When I got back we were all tired from the night before, but went to eat at Corz's friends house and then went to a pub where I got Hot Whiskey, and liked it. I don't like Whiskey in general, but Hot Whiskey is actually really good.

  Before I left to go back to Barcelona my dad took me and Corz Falconing at Astor Castle in Cong, where Quiet Man was filmed. It was one of the coolest things I have ever done. I wish I could post a video, but it won't let me! Basically we got to have pet Harris Hawk for an hour and feed them and have them fly to us and off of us. They loved Corinne (it was weird). It was such an amazing experience. Thanks Dad!  

I cannot wait to go back to Ireland for Easter! And to add another place to the list of places I have been for Easter!

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