Saturday, March 16, 2013

More Family Time

             After my parents left Barcelona, the next wave of my family came in the form of my Aunt Kelly, Grandma, and her best friend Lynn. They rented an apartment down the street from me, which was bigger than my apartment here and had 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. It was so nice.

                 While it did rain 2 of the days they were here we still made the most of their visit and trekked through the down pour. One of the days they were here we went to explore everything Dali. We first went to the Dali Museum in Figueres, which is so cool and one of the most interesting art gallery's I have ever been too. There were statues, paintings, and interactive art that was just all Amazing. The funny part of the museum is that it is literally the only thing in the town, there is not even a great restaurant to eat at.

               My Aunt Kelly then drove us to the town where Dali lived, which is this little beach town on a peninsula of a natural preserve. The drove was one of the craziest and scariest drives of my life, only to be compared with when my Uncle Timmy, Annie and I almost died while driving I Italy on the Amalfi Coast. This drive though was not only through a natural preserve on these windy mountain roads and curves where you don't see the other side, on top of that it was raining. Kelly was screaming, Gma trying to calm her and I was laughing at it all. It truly was insane.

         When we got to Cadaques though, it was worth it. It literally was so beautiful I want to go back there, but don't know how to get there, probably a bus, which I can't imagine. Even so, the town was so cute and had tiny little windy roads, Kelly almost pulled a Timmy and hit a side wall, but we made it through with the car intact. When we got to the bottom we hit the Mediterranean and ate lunch right on a little restaurant on the beach. It was still raining, but the food and the view was still great. We had native Catalan food, which I am happy my family got to taste and like.

             We then went to Dali's house, which was just as crazy as his museum. The house itself has its own little area where no one else has houses because Dali bought up all the land and had a contract with the town. His house has his studio in it with a model room, which is very Moroccan and then there is his different living rooms and his bedroom, which had this mirror in it so Dali could see the sunset from bed. There was also this sitting room attached to the bedroom that was like the inside of a Genies bottle. The craziest thing was Dali never had many people over his house and only him and his wife live there. Dali also had a huge amount of land and these huge patios and decks and an amazing pool (that was filled). The pool was so cool and seemed like it was still used! There was also a huge statue in the backyard that is supposed to be Jesus made out of trash. Interesting. ..

Dali was one crazy guy for sure.

           While I loved having my family in Barcelona, that was such a crazy and special trip that I will never forget and I am so thankful and lucky to have my Aunt and Gma and so happy they got to find out first hand that Spain is not Mexico!
I already miss them like crazy.

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