Thursday, March 7, 2013

Adventures with my Parents

These past two and half weeks I have had none stop visitors to Barcelona and while it has been a crazy few weeks it has also been great and fun and I am so grateful and happy that I had people come visit me! 
The first people to come to visit was my parents and I was so happy to see them, I already miss them so much. They took me and my friends to such great restaurants and we went and explored parts of Barcelona I haven't seen as well as parts I have been to before. We went down all of Las Ramblas and went to Parc Guell and went down to the beach as well, all things I have done before. We also went to Casa Mila by Gaudi, which is the big apartment building that Gaudi designed and we got to go on the roof and see the cute little apartments that we inside and were used in the early 1900s. We also went to Montjuic, which I had not been to before either and it was so cool. We road a gondola up to the Castelle and walked around the Fort, which has sweeping views of the whole city and sea. It was so pretty.

My parents also took me to some great restaurants, which included an Italian Restaurant up the street from me which was so good. I had gnocchi and my dad had pizza and both were so delicious, I've already been back to it. We also went to a tapas place in El Born, which I have been to before and was so great per usual. My dad got a Gin and Tonic, which was amazing and delicious and I don't even like Gin and Tonics. My parents also took my friend Owen and I to a gastronomy restaurant called Ohla, which is where I have gotten drinks before. Everything was so good and the drinks were amazing, it was such a great meal.

Another night my parents took my roommates and I out to a restaurant on the beach called Agua, which was so great. My dad had a dessert called boiled strawberries that was so yummy I loved it. Afterwards my mom touched the Mediterranean for the first time and we went to the Ice Bar, which was such a cool experience. Everything in their was made out of ice from the bar to the seats to the cups, it was cold but fun! It was too cold for my mom though and she had to go out of the bar at some points. It was so funny. After the Ice Bar we went to an absinthe bar called Absenta, which is right by the beach. It was such a quirky bar with nick-knacks everywhere and a huge fairy doll on the ceiling. 
 That second weekend my parents were here we went to Andorra, which is a teeny tiny country in between France and Spain and of course their national language is Catalan, I can't escape it! The drive there was amazing and probably one of the coolest drives I have ever been on. We literally went through the Pyrenees Mountains and went through one tunnel that was 5 miles lone in a mountain. Also each time we came out of the mountains the terrain would be different, like once it was snowy and then arid and then grassy. It was so interesting.

When we got to Andorra, it was so cool. The town we went to, Andorra la Vella, was literally in between the mountains and as soon as we got into the country there were signs for France, that is how small it is.

In Andorra, we just walked around everywhere and (I) went shopping and got two sweaters (one stripped with elbow pads) and a light jacket, which I love! And the best part was that it was cheaper and had no tax...I should of gotten more. Also in Andorra we went to the Thermal Spa, which is supposed to look like a glass mountain. It was amazing inside with huge pools that had different water jets for massages and had different sauna rooms and showers. While there I got a facial and it was the best facial I have ever had! Amazing I wish it lasted longer!

Also in Andorra no one spoke English, but all the signs were in English, it was so strange! Even so, when we told people we were from NY they would get so excited because they had never met anyone from America before. It was crazy!   

The night before my parents left we went to Woody Allen's favorite resturaunt called Barceloneta with Corinne, Bob, Owen and Owen's family. The resturaunt was okay, nothing special, but the sangria was great. Afterwards we went to L'Ovella Negra and got a huge tower of Sangria and then us and Corz and Bob went to Bar Marselle and got Absinthe and shots of tequila. It was so much fun and a great way for my parents to end their trip here.  

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