Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My Friends Come to Visit before Break

Right before I left for Spring break Jess and Pizza met me and the gate from my flight in Gran Canaria and I took them back to my apartment. The first thing we did was go to my market to get some snacks and food for the week. They loved the market and afterwards we walked to the Gothic Quarter from Passaige de Gracia where I showed them Gaudi buildings before we went to Brandy. I loved having them in Barcelona and they really loved it too, Pizza could not stop taking pictures of everything. It made me and Jess laugh so hard.  I almost forgot that Jess bought me modern and peanut butter! I was so happy to get them it seemed like I was more excited to have the bagel then to see them! But I wasn't I swear!

That first day we went basically everywhere, down La Rambla, to the Boqueria and ate lunch at Bilbao, the tapas bar. We the went to Mixtel•la for dinner, which was so good we stuffed our faces.

The next morning we woke up and went to Mount Tibidabo, which I was so excited to go too! We had to take the metro to a bus just to get up there. It was so cool with sweeping views of Barcelona and a cathedral and a little amusement park. That day was also St. Paddies Day so we went to dinner at Dunnes with some of my friends. In the Irish tradition I had Guinness stew and cider, which was yummy!

The next day I had class but was able to show them Parc Ciudella and the beach. It was so nice we were actually able to lay on the beach and get harassed by some Pakistanis. That night Jessco, Pizza, and I went to dinner with a few of my friends at Rosa Negra before going out to Shoko and Opium. The night was very crazy and funny to say the least.

The second to last day they were here I met Pizza and Jess at Parc Guell before going to Mont Juic. We ended up going when it was closed and had to walk down the whole thing.

The next day was Jessco's 21st birthday! While I was in class they went around on their own, but I met them at Milk, which was really good brunch place before walking around the Gothic Quarter some more. Pizza got a churro because apparently the time was ending for you to get them because it was almost spring! 

That night was there last night here and for dinner we went to Agua for Jessco's birthday. It was lovely and so good! We had for desserts and we were so good we did not eat any bread so we didn't have to pay for it!

That next morning they left for the US and I literally had no time to do anything because I was leaving that night for Spring Break.